Testing Ahoy!

barbarossaWe’re starting the beta test for our Barbarossa DLC this week, and I’m real happy for it. I get asked about the new content quite often, and it feels good to finally move from vague reassurances that it’s going to happen, to actually having something to show to people. 🙂

I won’t spill too much about the DLC itself at this time. There will be a proper announcement going out at a later date (in a few weeks, say). If you join us for the test you’ll be able to see everything for yourself soon enough. To do that, please send email to testing at unityofcommand.net promising that you will “play it to the death” or “play the crap out of it”, as is customary with our tests by now.

You can apply until Friday, October 4th, but we will actually be starting the test as early as this Friday, September 27th.

Community Scenarios

We have created a new page where you can share community created scenarios. You can download one of the dozen or so currently available scenarios. You can also upload your own scenarios, all you need for that is a forum login. Here is the page: https://unityofcommand.net/cs/

Important note: for community scenarios about the Barbarossa campaign, we will be able to help with converting those scenarios to use the Barbarossa-period units as they appear in the new DLC. We can provide the conversion script, or convert the scenarios for you, we’ll see what’s more convenient.

Community Map Making

Finally, as this looks to be the final DLC for this game, we would like to leave the game’s content in good shape for community use. To that end, we are looking for a volunteer who would help with extending the current map to its limit. We would then release this map either in an update, or as a free DLC.

The map editor that we’re using is not in shape for a public release. For one, it requires Linux to run (with some tweaking required on top). Also, it’s real clunky to use – so I don’t intend to support it in the future apart from working with this volunteer, if we can find one, to fill out the map to its maximum extent.

If you think have the skill, the time and the patience, drop me an email. I will consider the candidates (old testing hands are more than welcome) and we could start this project sometime around November.




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