Hitler: Whenever I think of this attack, my stomach turns over.
Guderian: In that case your reaction is correct. Leave it alone!
The dying days of the Stalingrad Campaign saw the German Army reeling under heavy blows from resurgent Soviet forces. Yet, even as von Manstein’s efforts to restore the situation were still ongoing, planning was already under way for a new summer offensive. With their ambitions now diminished and their apprehension clearly showing, the Germans chose to pursue an offensive agenda for one last time in the East.
Red Turn, which is currently in the final stages of development and testing, is our first DLC for Unity of Command. In it, we’re picking up on the story shortly after the events of the Stalingrad Campaign. Operation Zitadelle, the ill-fated German attack at Kursk, is represented as a single Axis scenario.
Most of the content however, is taken up by the gigantic Soviet campaign. As the strategic initiative swings decisively in favor of the Soviets, the player is tasked with conducting a series of Red Army operations to liberate the Motherland.
The Soviet campaign features 17 scenarios, which put together tell the story of how a maturing Red Army won the war through perfecting the art of the deep operation – essentially a Soviet variant of the blitzkrieg. We are including scenarios that cover everything from large scale operations such as Rumyantsev or Bagration, to the more confined and intricate affairs such as the Battle for Kiev in November 1943.
There are four scenarios that have been developed specifically for multi-player, including the tense Korsun Pocket and Operation Konrad.
Finally, starting with the 1.04 version of Unity of Command, a scenario editor will be provided, enabling the community to create further historical and what-if scenarios. Please note, that the scenario editor will be provided as an update to the base game, purchase of Red Turn DLC will not be required.
Red Turn will be released before the end of 2012. Applications for beta testers are now open. If you want to give us a hand, please find the instructions on how to apply here.
Cheers! 🙂
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