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screenshot [SP] [SC] In to the Caucasus by Billy Bob Joe 1 Recommended by:mariuszsw Added on May 20th, 2018 Scenario start date: November 30th, -0001


As the campaigning season comes to a close, Axis forces attempt to force their way into the Caucasus one last time.

Use your sparse forces wisley, as the russians will fight tooth and nail to hold on.

Downloads: 558 Download this scenario


  • Won on first try with first objective captured on T1 and second at T6. Theather Assets use rules not native to Stalingrad Campaign. Barely used them because I was saving air attack for end but they were not needed. +1 range for logistics on every turn looks overly excessive and there is only one sound option for logistical increase, the one at railroad. Briefing gives warning for scoring, not to requisite from OKH unless in great need but there is 0 prestige set in scenario from start.

  • Nice little relaxed scenario. The Russians tend to clump around Sochi rather than maintaining a longer line. Won an easy BV first time through, it's fairly straightforward to take the objectives on turn 1 and 4 or 5, maybe accelerate the timeframes a bit? Or give the Russkies a tank or two...

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