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screenshot [SP] [RT] Unternehmen Cäsar by hawkerace 2 Recommended by:sourdustlgreen666 Added on May 17th, 2018 Scenario start date: August 16th, 1944




This is an ahistorical scenario based on the drafted plan of Unternehmen Cäsar, a follow-up counter attack that was planned but cancelled due to the Riga offensive operation. The start date is the start of Operation Doppelkopf which was a success counter-attack to reconnect Army Group Centre with Army Group North.

For Cäsar, Hitler imagined a swift blitzkrieg that had infantry divisions following through from AGN into the over extended Soviet divisions. Can you prove him right?

==The Story==

For Cäsar, Hitler imagined a swift blitzkrieg that had infantry divisions following through from AGN into the over extended Soviet divisions. Can you prove him right? If you can manage to smash the Soviet offensive into submission, further ambitious objectives are given to "straighten" the line against the Neris river and the banks of Daugavpils

This force was to attack to the north-east from its concentration area in western Lithuania and restore land communications between Generaloberst Georg-Hans Reinhardt’s HG Mitte and Schörner’s HG Nord in the Kurland peninsula. After this the 3rd Panzerarmee would take under its command the infantry divisions of Heeresgruppe ‘Nord’ and attack to the south-east in the direction of Kaunas in a potent raid across the rear of General Hovhannes Kh. Bagramyan’s 1st Baltic Front and General Ivan D. Chernyakhovsky’s 3rd Belorussian Front.

==The Plan==

Follow the historical objectives first for Doppelkopf and smash into the far extended flank of the Baltic front using hastily created heer and SS Kampfgruppes and battered Panzer divisions. Tank reinforcements are going to be little, while the Soviets can rely on heavy tank corp reinforcements from throughout the line. This is not for conservative players. Cannibalize units if necessary and switch brigades if possible.

Once the Doppelkopf objectives are completed, specialized brigades are freed up to augment existing infantry divisions to go on the offensive (or your weakened Panzer divisions).

Proceed on a wide front to capture the Cäsar objectives and eliminate the Soviets cut off.

Soviet reinforcements are massive towards the later turns, so keeping an excited tempo is a must!

Reinforcements will be a mix trickle of units, and there are prestige for those with a weak stomach. the SS. PzGr. Division Nordland will be the most effective reinforcement but comes too late for the BV objectives. (As it is tied down in Estonia at this time). I did manage to get a BV a few times when practicing, but if theres any issues or changes necessary please let me know ASAP so I can fix it!

Have fun, and any comments, suggestions, questions please let me know. Fingers crossed, but I have other scenarios in the works.

Remember that the older versions of this scenario will be in the forum once updates are put through.



--Update 1.1--

Added more front reserves to defend some new supply lines.

Changed the values of some supply hexes.

Changed reinforcements of Soviets in volume and which turns.

Removed the experience tag on the 14th Panzer Division, making them greener. For balance reasons - might revert back if unreasonable.

Downloads: 580 Download this scenario


  • Thanks sour!

  • Yep, reckon it's good now. Still got BV on turn 6, but I had to think really hard and scramble a bit to do it, and had to do it without any gamey supply tricks. This is a really fun scenario, probably your best mate!

    I love that good scenarios are STILL being produced for this game! I still have in mind to do a Dukla Pass / Slovak uprising scenario, but getting the AI right and the OOB for this neglected battle is proving difficult. We'll see if I can finish it before UoC2 comes out...

  • Thanks for the feedback Sourdust, it is always a pleasure knowing experienced players such as yourself are still around to give good feedback. I've added some supplies and front reserves as well pushed some reinforcements to trickle in quicker and more aggressively. I'm curious to see if you'll have the same success a second time around, or if I made it too hard!

  • Great scenario, got a BV on turn 6 on my first play-through. As always, getting to the enemy supply points is crucial, and allows you to put all those Soviet tanks out of supply by turn 3. If you don't want players doing that, maybe put some tougher defenders on the supply points and important bridges. Great fun, very free-wheeling scenario!

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