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screenshot [SP] [BT] “AGN – Race for Leningrad” by 5 Recommended by:Pannoniaeconboy323RitalingamersourdustLtCol Added on September 20th, 2016 Scenario start date: June 22nd, 1941


“AGN – Race for Leningrad” is a merger of the three scenarios for AGN.

Some revisions have been made.
1 – The Goals and their target dates.
2 – I found the Soviet forces too weak.
3 – The “arrival” of Russian troops does not happen all at once.

Downloads: 697 Download this scenario


  • OK, got it. BV in 16 turns, got generally lucky with weather and overruns, even nabbed a few objectives ahead of schedule!

  • Nice work. I found that even with max move, the German infantry kinda don't show up quite in time to participate in the fighting around Leningrad as they should... the lack of strategic movement in a big scenario like this is apparent. The panzers do nearly all the fighting after the opening frontier battle...

    First playthrough I missed a few of the objectives by a turn, but managed to get a victory. I can see how a BV is just barely possible through perfect play and a whole lot of luck (especially on overrun rolls).

  • Very challenging scenario. It's a rare one where I flat out fail.

    Why can't I reorganize steps or divisions?

  • I recommend this because of the ingenuity of the scenario and how it plays out. But beware -- it's very hard (I played it 10 times before I beat it).

    congratulations, again, this is one of the most interesting.

  • I would classify this as extremely difficult. Quite a fun scenario though! Congratulations on the effort. I would have given one extra turn and 1 extra supply, just to reduce the frustration level in the first few playthroughs. I have no idea how BV could be accomplished.

  • AGN – Race for Leningrad


    I have been “slightly” obsessed with Army Group North’s performance during Operation Barbarossa after I read ‘Hitler's Panzers East - World War 2 reinterpreted’ by R. H. Stolfi.

    I can agree with his thesis, that Germany could have defeated Russia, by occupying its heartland. But for one exception; his equating the distance traveled against the Allies in 1940.

    The distance from the ‘German frontier to Dunkirk’ plus ‘Abbeville to the Spanish boarder’, is equal but not the same, as from the ‘Soviet boarder to the Volga river’ at Gorky, Kazan and Saratov.
    The West had “many” more kilometers of hospitable roads, and a motor driving society with many Gas Stations from which to “commandeer” fuel for Germany’s Panzers.


    Hitler’s Directive #33 of July 19th.

    It stated Moscow was no longer the Primary Objective.
    Divert Panzers north and south, from Army Group Center, to assist the capture of Leningrad and the Ukraine.

    The second Western Front, that had been formed from Stavka’s Strategic Reserves on June 22nd , had virtually been eliminated by August 5, 1941.

    As late as August 17th , Halder and Bravchitsch tried one last appeal to “resume the advance” in the center.


    If Leningrad can be isolated and the “Jump off” position at Chudova Bridge, captured by August 17th , Hitler will revise his Directive #33, and Moscow will again be the Primary Objective.


    “AGN – Race for Leningrad” is a merger of the three scenarios for AGN.
    Some revisions have been made.

    1 – The Goals and their target dates, obviously.
    You must clear the Path to Moscow by August 29, 1941.
    The “Points” are my calculation as to their value, and importance in the order of their
    2 – I found the Soviet forces too weak, and not representative of the “surprise” the
    Germans experienced when encountering “New Soviet Armor”.
    Therefore I increased the “Experience Level” of Russian Armor when reinforced with
    “New Soviet Armor”, so that they will not be a push over.
    I also increased the “Experience Level” of Russian forces that were reinforced with
    “NKVD” troops, to make them more “resistant”.
    3 – The “arrival” of Russian troops do not happen all at once when transiting what would
    have been the next scenario. They arrive over time; three board games were used to
    aid this transition.

    I hope you enjoy this challenge to make history.
    Good Hunting

  • Awesome! All depends on how fast you take Pskov. Dividing your forces between Estonia, Leningrad, and the southern objectives is really fun. Overall lots of fun, but maybe some more elite Russian tanks - those were pretty much the only strong soviet units and the fins too? Maybe, but still very fun.

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