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screenshot [SP] [BT] Unternehmen Fortschritt by sourdust 1 Recommended by:LtCol Added on February 24th, 2018 Scenario start date: June 22nd, 1941


Hypothetical airborne attack on Baku at the beginning of Barbarossa. Assumes Turkey allows German troops in, rather than refusing their request, after the Iraq Revolt some months earlier. Hard scenario! Note: Use your Axis "partisans" as pathfinders to allow deployment of your airborne troops near Baku on turns 1 and 2.

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  • Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! Yes, I added the bridge building capability early, expecting Axis to be able to use it to broaden their long, thin rail corridor. Initially I had 2 Russian partisans per turn, which meant it was quite possible to have partisans cut the rail line. Once I realised there were no bridging spots on the rivers, I dialled the partisans back to one per turn, but forgot to remove the bridging ability. I'll fix it up.

    Baku almost always falls on turn one, especially if you airstrike it after getting rid of the fortification with the Brandenburg unit. But yes, bad luck can mean Baku doesn't fall on turn one, and not much can be done about it!

  • Original map. Good concept with the partizans + paratroopers. Good difficulty, I made it on time, but Baku didn't fall on the first turn due to bad luck. One complaint: The player has bridge building capability, but this is not needed. There are no locations to build a bridge.

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