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screenshot [SP] [RT] Operation Gory-More by sourdust 4 Recommended by:von SchweinewitzDanielefcconboy323mcp1959 Added on January 9th, 2015 Scenario start date: January 11th, 1943


Covers the Soviet attempt to cut off Army Group A's retreat from the Caucasus in Jan/Feb 1943. The real operations were easily held off by the Germans, can you do better?

Downloads: 771 Download this scenario


  • Great scenario! Some VERY solid work with the AI. Making the AI conduct fighting retreats is among the trickiest things to pull off (and this coupled with 2-3 fighting fronts/areas that must not be broken by the player). My first play i got a measly 200-something points but had a real blast. Scenario also has the right "feel": One really feels like a pursuer - but with some very limited resources at ones disposal.

    Finally - cudos for the OOB work - this section and time of the eastern front is a real pain finding info on the Reds :).


    PS. Have you uploaded a picture? I don't see one... remember to set it to 800*600

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