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Postby bkusnetz » Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:48 am

All right, here's the story. I know that the developers have their hands full right now, what with Red Turn coming out soon and the like, but I thought it would be fun to just dream up some of the possible sequels that could be created, as much in the hopes of getting them put out as for my own edification. Scale is probably the biggest problem right off the bat.There have been few theaters of war with as large a scale as the Eastern Front of WWII. The only other one I can think of right off the top of my head is the Pacific theater, but that isn't really an option for a land based game. So any future games, except for maybe a general campaign of the initial Nazi counquest of Europe or of the Western Allies' invasions, and North Africa, would require a shrinkage of the 20 km per hex. With that proviso, I'd like to throw a couple of possibilities out there.
General German and Allied campaigns in Western and Southern Europe and North Africa- Good scale and similar supply problems, especially for the the Axis in N. Africa and the Allies in France.
Korean War-Would require a scaledown, but good tactical challenges.
1967/73 Arab/Israeli Wars- Would again require a scaledown, but some great tank battles in the Sinai and Golan.

Tell me what you think!

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Re: Sequels?

Postby RambOrc » Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:37 am

1) Actually there was a war going on in those years with a comparable size, both in terrain and number of dead: the Japanese invasion of mainland China, starting several years before the European war and ending months after it. Unlike the Germans, the Japanese have been launching large scale campaigns in mainland China both in 1944 and 1945 (and in earlier years as well, of course). Thus the later years wouldn't have to be as one-sided as the upcoming expansion, there could be Chinese and Japanese campaigns for every year.

2) The Arab-Israeli wars of the 1960s and 1970s would work well, as the Israeli army has used the same Blitzkrieg tactics the Germans used in WWII.

3) The main problem with depicting historical accuracy in the North African campaigns would be the fact that supply bases were in Europe and Asia and supply lines were cut on the sea by naval engagements, not so much on land. Indeed several of Rommel's offensives were started because a tanker or a cargo ship with a few dozen new tanks arrived instead of being sunk like most Axis supply ships.

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Re: Sequels?

Postby TDHenderson » Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:39 pm

I think the game engine would be well suited for the German invasion of France and Belgium in 1940.


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Re: Sequels?

Postby bkusnetz » Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:50 pm

RambOrc wrote:1) Actually there was a war going on in those years with a comparable size, both in terrain and number of dead: the Japanese invasion of mainland China, starting several years before the European war and ending months after it. Unlike the Germans, the Japanese have been launching large scale campaigns in mainland China both in 1944 and 1945 (and in earlier years as well, of course). Thus the later years wouldn't have to be as one-sided as the upcoming expansion, there could be Chinese and Japanese campaigns for every year.

2) The Arab-Israeli wars of the 1960s and 1970s would work well, as the Israeli army has used the same Blitzkrieg tactics the Germans used in WWII.

3) The main problem with depicting historical accuracy in the North African campaigns would be the fact that supply bases were in Europe and Asia and supply lines were cut on the sea by naval engagements, not so much on land. Indeed several of Rommel's offensives were started because a tanker or a cargo ship with a few dozen new tanks arrived instead of being sunk like most Axis supply ships.
Sorry, you're right. I totally forgot about China. That would be a good idea, but what about the tank situation there?
I know that the Japanese had some light-to-medium ones, but did the Chinese have any? Although the Burma Road and the "Hump" supply routes might complicate matters in the same way sea routes in North Africa (but that might just be in a macro way as opposed to the micro system currenty in UoC with individual supply depots.)Anyway, I'm guessing that the next expansion after RT will be a North African one. The campaigns there are just too classicly "tankish" for the game to pass up.

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Re: Sequels?

Postby spillblood » Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:52 pm

I'd love an East-Asian theater of war expansion, because it hasn't been similarily overdone as the ETO. And I guess it also has some great battles that could be used for building scenarios. Mainland China would be a good choice, I guess. You could even start in 1937 or so (with the start of full-scale war between China and Japan).
Hehe, watch this:
Great old propaganda movies. I love those animations effects.

An additional idea: What about the Soviet Finnish Winter War in 1939, or the Continuation war?

Another idea I got: What about the Korean War? Hardly done in strategy games, and it had some huge battles, also included tank battles of Soviet vs. American/UN tanks (many WWII models!) and a huge amphibious invasion at Inchon.
I guess it'd be pretty well suited for this engine (although airpower would have to matter more than in UoC).