I'm running UoC 1.04b on OS X 10.8.3. DLC Red Turn purchased here. The scenario editor does not show up in the main menu.
When I try to start it from a Terminal I get the following error messages:
% /Applications/Unity\ of\ Command.app/Contents/MacOS/uoc -a uranus
2013-03-30 10:02:01.023 uoc[13567:303] PyObjCPointer created: at 0xac8d1da8 of type {__CFBoolean=}
2013-03-30 10:02:01.024 uoc[13567:303] PyObjCPointer created: at 0xac8d1da0 of type {__CFBoolean=}
2013-03-30 10:02:01.025 uoc[13567:303] PyObjCPointer created: at 0xac8d1db0 of type {__CFNumber=}
2013-03-30 10:02:01.025 uoc[13567:303] PyObjCPointer created: at 0xac8d1dc0 of type {__CFNumber=}
2013-03-30 10:02:01.026 uoc[13567:303] PyObjCPointer created: at 0xac8d1dd0 of type {__CFNumber=}
2013-03-30 10:02:01.662 uoc[13567:303] Unity of Command Error
It's the same with the --app option.
This message shows up in the UoC Log:
NameError: name 'app' is not defined
Thank you!