[Linux] Unity of command in two-screen configuration bug

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[Linux] Unity of command in two-screen configuration bug

Unread postby grafviktor » Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:19 pm

Gentlemen, in order to not make your life too easy, I want to remind you about a bug I've mentioned on a Steam forum http://steamcommunity.com/app/218090/discussions/0/846945579770748530/?tscn=1361137613 In order to attract your attention I will repost the description of the bug here:
I use two screen configuration each of monitors has its own resolution - 1920x1080 and 1366x768. Unfortunately, if the second screen is activated the game is trying to use both screens, so it is become impossible to play. I always turn off one screen by "xrandr --output VGA-0 --off" command before start Unity of Command , but I think that is not right and could be considered as a bug.

I believe that it is not a major issue because there are not so many users who use 2-monitor system, but as a game is a commercial product, I ask you to provide me a TT number you've opened for this issue.
