Just curious why do we have to pay 20% more than our american cousins? Was eager to buy this title but after this move I am not so sure anymore.
proof: http://www.steamprices.com/eu2/dlc/2584 ... k-turn-dlc
Is it because taxes or just for profit? Any answer is appreciated, thanks.
I am reposting this topic I made on the steam hub here. I don't want to sound rude or anything because this game is very well done, and it deserves the money fully, but this is a bit odd and I feel slightly cheated. I can understand some differences in prices but 20% is really a lot. I'd rather donate to the game the extra money than having it taken from me like that.
EDIT: Correction, buying from the UoC website charges you 31% more than american version, so even more than steam (which is 20% more).